Anti-Counterfeit Policy
Nowadays, in spite of sophisticated IT tools and unprecedented visibility among supply chain partners, subpar or counterfeit still confound the industry. Some unused inventory passes through sales channels that aren’t compliant with industry traceability, handling and quality control standards.
We are committed to obtaining only the highest quality products for our customers. As a member of ISO, we always adhere to the excellent quality of electronic components; put an end to all fake and shoddy products.
To preclude introduction of the counterfeit product into our supply chain through strict avoidance, mitigation, and disposition processes. THJ strictly selects our reliable supply partners .Only high-standard distributers who conform our incredibly high suppliers’ standard, such as manufacturers, franchise distributors, OEMs, CMs, independent reputable distributors, can be the partner of our strict supply chain. We also possess a whole complete and strict set of testing standard, applies the most advanced inspecting equipment, and has knowledgeable field application engineers, dedicating to vetting all component sources and products. All of the components are shipped to THJ Quality Testing Center where they are inspected and their provenance verified (BY our 200x magnification, X-ray and Acetone Verification Testing, etc), before entering inventory and being shipped to the end-customers.
THJ does not purchase products from sources other than authorized manufacturers and suppliers. THJ does not purchase refurbished product for re-sale. Our customers can be confident that THJ Electronics takes every possible precaution to ensure they are receiving authorized, genuine components. Our commitment to delivering authorized genuine components for our customers across the globe.
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